Joe, Willy, and Jason posing while transporting willow stakes and baby plants to a restoration site
Willy planting new plant starts
A gorgeous beaver dam at Black Lake
College students on a site tour
A pair of beavers being relocated together
Joe petting beaver pelts with kids at a public outreach event
Under the canvas tarp is a beaver being transported to its new home
Some beaver pond inhabitants
A beaver relocation action shot
Elementary schoolers viewing a beaver at the Winthrop Hatchery
A workshop participant practicing deploying a suitcase-style humane live-trap
Julie teaching college students about beaver husbandry
Participants listening to a session at a relocation training
Volunteers helping relocate a beaver
An aerial view of a local beaver pond
A workshop group viewing a culvert protection device
A load of conifer boughs being delivered for Beaver Dam Analogue construction. Boughs are sourced from local wildfire-risk-reduction thinning projects!
A beaver in its natural habitat
Volunteers helping relocate a beaver
MOBP crew members working on installing posts for a beaver dam analogue
A relocated beaver awaiting transportation to his or her new home
Restoration work in-progress
A culvert protector installed by MOBP preventing flooding on a local road
A pond-leveler device in the late-fall snow
MOBP staff assembling a pond-leveler device
Alexa feeding the beavers at our relocation holding facility at the Winthrop Hatchery
The work of our incredible engineering friends- beavers!
Beaver dams holding storing the water from high spring flows
Julie performing beaver songs to a group of campers
A beaver relocation in action
A beaver and baby beaver together at the Winthrop Hatchery